Upcoming Events:

With the pandemic slowly getting under control, I am happy that we are slowly being able to return to the stage safely, and enjoy making music again.

  • 20-21.03.2022: “Das Klagendes Lied,” Mahler, Ernst Senff Chor & Staatskapelle Weimar (Chortenor)

  • 15.4.2022: Johannes-Passion, JS Bach, StudioChor Berlin & Neuer Kammerorchester Brandenburg (Chortenor)

  • 22.5.2022: Johannes-Passion, JS Bach, Erlöserchor Berlin (Chortenor)

  • 9.7.2022: Classic Open Air “Highlights der Klassik,” Ernst Senff Chor, Berlin — Gendarmenmarkt (Chortenor)

  • 23.9 - 2.10.2022: “Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor,” Nicolai Otto, Berliner Operngruppe (Chortenor)

  • 21.11: Weihnachtsoratorium, JS Bach, StudioChor Berlin (Chortenor)